Bareback II: Symmetry in Motion
An Equine Exhibition (2017)
Opening Reception: September 30th from 6-9pm
Special Equine Performance by Athos and Samira Nowparast – horse and rider
7 to 7:30 pm
Projected video by Gilda Nowparast
Special Butoh Dance Performance by Caroline Haydon – 7:30 to 8 pm
Studio C Gallery is proud to present a second annual exhibition that honors the horse.
Studio C Gallery’s intention is to bring inspiration through art, and education through awareness.
It is a platform that we can use to show our gratitude for the gifts that horses bring us.
Studio C Gallery will be partnering with two pioneering horse rescue and equine therapies non-profit organizations: Wild Horse Sanctuary (www.wildhorsesanctuary.org) and Dream Catcher of Los Angeles (www.dreamcatcherla.com). A portion of the proceeds from sales will go to help these organizations do what they do best—protect the lives of horses, and bring therapy to the physically and mentally disabled.

Red Hot Wicked : An Erotic Art Exhibition
2017 Annual All Women Artist Group Exhibition
Saturday, February 11th 2017- Opening Reception 6 PM to 9 pM
About the Exhibition:
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, Studio C Gallery presents our second annual erotic inspired art exhibition that explores a distinctive vision of feminine desire.
Through many mediums, this collection of international artists aims to channel the psyche of the Goddess, Aphrodite.
As well as the inspiring and acclaimed artwork, during the evening we will have a Butoh performance by Caroline Haydon and readings from the 'Dandyland Diaries' by Dominatrix, D.M. Dewey
Special Event:
On Sunday, February 12th, join us from 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM for an afternoon of sensual instruction as Spring Tiger Ryu gives a Shibari lesson and a life drawing session of The Arts Ryu of Kinbaku
Tickets for this can be purchased through their website: www.springtigerryu.com
Delightful refreshments will be provided over the weekend by Butter Cake Shoppe, Full City Rooster Coffee Roasting Studio and Tagaras Wine.
Come, celebrate love, art and living deliciously with us.
Studio C Gallery is located in the downtown Los Angeles Arts District.
The gallery operates within the historic Santa Fe Art Colony.
2349 So. Santa Fe Ave. Studio C
Los Angeles, CA 90058
About Studio C Gallery
Studio C Gallery is dedicated to exhibiting the work of women artists. We are committed in bringing
attention to the feminine characteristics and trademark of art making. Studio C Gallery creates a space
for women artists to flourish by producing several group shows and two solo shows, per year.
Let Us Eat Cake: Tier Delight
All Women Artist Group Exhibition 2016
May 14th thru June 4th
The title should not be confused with the Marie Antoinette verbiage, “Let them eat cake!", which was probably misconstrued, if
she ever uttered those words... as naïve, uninformed and self-absorbed. We’re not talking about who has and who doesn’t, or who cares. It is about allowance. Allowance to “divine” our desires.
Let Us Eat Cake is all about indulgence. It is about what we want, wish for, secretly lust for or adore. It is about eating, drinking, fantasizing, sex and cake.
Let Us Eat Cake is allowance, for everyone. The act of image is powerful. Let us delve into and express our wildest dreams to manifest what we want or what we want at this moment. Bring with you, your salacious appetite and enjoy!

Water-Line: Inspiration for Change
3rd Annual All Women Artist Group Exhibition 2015
May 23rd thru July 9th
Water-Line is a line that marks the level of the surface of water on something, such as a hull of a ship, the horizontal line marked on a wall after a flood or the line where a body of water and the shore meet, such as an ocean or lake. Water-Line can be an indicator of balance in nature.
Water is essential to life. We know that our bodies are made up of 50-65 % water. In the first stage of life, our body’s lungs learn to breathe in amniotic fluid. Essentially the first breath we take is in water. Water can enrapture our senses. Water symbolically cleanses our soul.
The connection between women and bodies of water have remained an inspiration throughout time. This particular connectivity is explored through each artist’s personal contemplation on water, from environmental influence and change, to the sublime qualities that raise these questions. It is the intent of this exhibition to explore the feminine interpretation of water through a wide range of media.
Click Here to view Paddle8 Online Art Auction for LA Waterkeeper
Oneria: I Dream the Self
2nd Annual All Women Artist Group Exhibition 2014
May 17th thru June 13th
Oneira: I Dream the Self is a group exhibition featuring personal interpretation of dreaming, from a female perspective. Creation of art influences could be by a particular vivid/recurring dream or a conscious dream, as in imagined. The dream world of the unconscious mind is the most mysterious, fascinating part of our lives. One-third of our lives is spent sleeping. Nightly we dream, whether we are aware of it or not.
Women have a particular connection to the dream landscape in that women possess a natural infinity to clairvoyance, awareness, healing and intuition.
Artists have been the purveyor of dreams throughout time. It is the intent of the exhibition to explore the realm of dream, imagination and thought, through the unique vision of women artists.
Click Here to read a review by art critic John Seed of the Huffington Post